Just how big of a problem is computer dust? We rarely mention about dust, or just dismiss it as not a big deal. Well, it can be a very big deal if you don't stay on top of it with regular cleaning. Nowadays, personal computers are being used in different ways than years ago. Hardly anyone 10 yrs ago used a personal computer as a home voice/fax answering system. Now it is becoming more common to leave a computer running 24/7 to handle voice/mail/fax. It's the 24/7 that quadruples the dust problem. Then take over clocking into account, throw in a bunch of extra fans most sucking air out and you can multiply the dust problem even more.
Some of you are probably laughing, saying, "I never own a computer more than a year anyway".
Well, I think that is about to change, the speed of the systems being sold today are so comfortable for the normal end user that it is going to be real hard getting them to replace a P2-400. There was a very noticeable gain going from a P-133 to a P2-300. For the average user (not gamer) the noticeable gain is much less going from 300 to 400 and will be even less noticeable going from 400 to 500. Many people hanging on to their P2-300's and 450's for at least 3-4 years. Who knows, only time will tell...
Please call NSBM, we will provide you a unique preventive cleaning maintenance to this problem............
The pictures do most of the talking (coming soon!!!)